ArcelorMittal invests in new sustainability program throughout Europe

by David Fleschen

ArcelorMittal today announced plans to launch a new sustainability program in Europe. The goal of the Responsible Steel Certification initiative is to certify all sites of ArcelorMittal Europe - Flat Products. A 12-month certification process will allow each site to demonstrate that local production processes meet well-defined standards and meet a wide range of social, environmental and governance criteria.

ResponsibleSteel is the industry's first global standard and certification initiative. It is dedicated to the definition and promotion of responsible production techniques and has the following objectives:

   • Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions

   • Water management and biodiversity

   • Human rights and labor rights

   • social relationships and business integrity

The standard is based on 12 principles with a variety of criteria associated with specific requirements. In order to receive the ResponsibleSteel certification, each site undergoes a rigorous third-party audit. An independent certification committee makes the final certification decision.

Geert Van Poelvoorde, CEO of ArcelorMittal Europe - Flat Products, explains: "Responsible manufacturing techniques and high ethical and business standards are becoming increasingly important to our customers and consumers. It is important to our operations and gives our customers peace of mind that we meet their sustainability expectations by complying with CO2, environmental and social standards at every stage of production. "He adds:" In view of the high level of investment While we have already implemented low carbon and high environmental standards at our sites, I am confident that we will be able to secure certification within each of our flat product locations within the timeframe. "

The first audit wave covers the locations in Belgium, Germany, Spain and France. In Germany, the locations Bremen and Eisenhüttenstadt have already been successfully audited. After the first phase, more ArcelorMittal sites around the world will be part of the program.

In 2020, ResponsibleSteel will introduce a standard for the certification of steel products containing stringent supply chain requirements for raw materials. ArcelorMittal will continue to play an active role in developing this aspect of the program.

Steel is the most commonly used material in the world. Companies using it in the areas of transport, automotive, infrastructure, packaging, construction, energy and white goods increasingly expect that the materials they work with are sourced and produced responsibly. ResponsibleSteel aims to meet these expectations.
Source and Photo: ArcelorMittal

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