Niedax Group purchases CO2-reduced steel from Tata Steel UK for the first time

by David Fleschen

The Niedax Group, one of the world's leading manufacturers of cable laying systems, has achieved an important step in reducing CO2 emissions within its production. For the first time, the internationally active family business is sourcing and processing certified "Optemis® Carbon Lite" steel from Tata Steel UK, the largest steel producer in the UK.

'This week, the first steel coil was delivered to the in-house steel centre in Schwerte, which is operated by Niedax subsidiary Boecker Stahl-Service. CO2 emissions from the production of the 22 tonne hot-dip galvanised coils have been reduced by 85 per cent through an independently certified insetting process.1 This equates to a CO2 saving of around 45 tonnes - comparable to the annual emissions of 33 cars.2

The CO2 emission-reduced steel enables the Niedax Group to manufacture cable management systems for large infrastructure projects in its own steel service centre with a significantly more favourable carbon footprint. In the coming weeks, Niedax Group expects further deliveries of the Optemis® Carbon Lite steel.

Bruno Reufels, CEO of Niedax Group, sees the processing of these steel coils in the company's own steel service centre as a significant step towards emission reduction and a more sustainable future: "As one of the world's leading manufacturers of cable management systems, we are committed to operating sustainably and reducing the carbon footprint of our products. That's why we are investing in new technologies and are delighted to be working with Tata Steel UK on their carbon reduced steel initiative. We are already seeing initial interest from consumer-related sectors such as construction and automotive. In perspective, we would like to target their demand for reduced emission steel."

Tata Steel UK is aware of the extent of CO2 emissions that are currently still unavoidable in the steel production process and wants to take a pioneering role in the production of emission-reduced steel with its neutrally certified insetting process. To this end, the company invests in numerous projects to reduce its CO2 emissions. The savings from these projects can be passed on to customers through Optemis® Carbon Lite steel, enabling them to achieve immediate savings within their value chain on Scope 3 emissions under the GHG Protocol.

"We are committed to reducing our emissions: Our goal is to achieve carbon neutral steel production by 2045 and reduce emissions by at least 30 per cent by 2030," emphasises Anil Jhanji, Chief Commercial Officer, Tata Steel UK. "Every tonne of Optemis® Carbon Lite steel we sell helps fund more CO2-saving projects, accelerating our transformation to decarbonisation. That's why this first delivery to a leading international company like Niedax Group is an important step in our journey towards a carbon neutral steel offering."

Souce: Niedax, Photo: Fotolia

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