Swiss Steel Group unveils new website focussed on customer value and sustainability

by David Fleschen

Swiss Steel Group has announced the launch of its innovative new website, which marks a turning point in the way we interact with customers while emphasising the group´s commitment to sustainability and customer service. As part of our ongoing efforts to better serve to customers and explore opportunities for a more sustainable future, Swiss Steel Group has developed a completely revamped website that offers a wealth of features and resources to meet the needs of its customers while demonstrating the company`s commitment to environmental stewardship.

A standout feature of our new website is the Product Finder, a powerful tool that generates automated product suggestions based on customers' individual requirements and specifications. This innovative feature enables customers to find customised solutions that meet their specific requirements, providing an unprecedented user experience.

Swiss Steel Group also places a special focus on the topic of green steel and sustainability. The website provides detailed information about our efforts to implement environmentally friendly production processes and offer sustainable steel products that make a positive contribution to climate protection. Furthermore, the website provides detailed information on special requirements for steel grades for specific applications. Whether aerospace, automotive or renewable energy, Swiss Steel Group aims to supply high quality steel products that meet the most demanding requirements of its customers.

Source and Photo: Swiss Steel Group

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