Container throughput starts weakly into the second half of the year

by David Fleschen

According to the latest flash estimate, the container throughput index of RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) fell slightly in July compared to the previous month to 121.9 points after seasonal adjustment. This is likely to mark the end of the recovery in global container throughput for the time being.

The key points in brief:

  • The container throughput index of RWI - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research and the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) fell seasonally adjusted in July to 121.9 points from 123.3 points (revised) in the previous month.
  • All world regions are affected by the weakening of container throughput.
  • In Chinese ports, the decline in container throughput is relatively small. The index value for Chinese ports dropped from 139.4 to 137.3 points.
  • The North Range Index, which provides indications of economic developments in the northern euro area and Germany, fell somewhat more sharply in July from 106.6 (revised) to 103.8 points compared with the previous month.
  • The RWI/ISL container throughput index for August 2023 will be published on September 28, 2023.

Commenting on the development of the container throughput index, RWI Head of Business Cycle Torsten Schmidt says: "Container throughput is weakening somewhat at the beginning of the second half of the year. This indicator thus also points to an economic slowdown in the third quarter. High energy prices and higher interest rates are weighing on demand internationally."

Source: RWI, Photo: Fotolia

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