Paul Wurth to supply cokemaking technology to China

by David Fleschen

In late September 2019, Paul Wurth was awarded with orders for the supply of engineering and SOPRECO® Single Oven Pressure Control Systems for two top charging coke oven batteries becoming part of the new coke making plant of Xiangtan Iron & Steel in Xiangtan, Hunan province, in Central China. Each battery counts 50 coke ovens with a height of 7.3 meters equipped with SOPRECO, Paul Wurth’s state-of-the-art proven solution for individual oven pressure control and coke oven battery emission control.

This is the second cokemaking technology project for Paul Wurth in China. The contractor Shandong Province Metallurgical Engineering Co. Ltd (SDM), with whom Paul Wurth had concluded a cooperation agreement back in 2013, issued the orders. Based on this cooperation, top charging batteries of Jumbo type have been commissioned at Rizhao Iron & Steel in 2017/18. The success of the Rizhao project, where Paul Wurth’s cokemaking technology was introduced in China for the first time, found a large echo amongst Chinese coke makers and played a decisive role for the award of the new project.

First coke is foreseen to be produced at Xiangtan’s coke oven battery No.1 at the end of 2020.

Source and Photo: Paul Wurth

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