Pomini Tenova Roll Grinders for Hoa Phat Group in Vietnam

by David Fleschen

Tenova, a global company specialized in sustainable solutions for the green transition of the metals industry, has been awarded a new contract by Hoa Phat Group, the leading industrial manufacturing group in Vietnam, for new roll grinders supplied by Pomini Tenova, a well-known Tenova brand and a worldwide leader in the production of roll shop equipment. The roll grinders are for Hoa Phat’s new hot rolling mill in Dung Quat, Quang Ngai province.

The scope of work for the roll shop includes the full set of roll grinders for grinding work rolls and back up roll, with and without mounted on chocks. All machines are equipped with the most advanced and user friendly Pomini HMI (Human Machine Interface), the Pomini Inspektor3 with Eddy Current and Ultrasound probes for roll inspection, the most referenced and reliable online roll flaws detection system available on the market. The roll grinders also mount the Pomini Process Monitoring (PPM) and the Continuous Profile Compensation (CPC) to easily achieve the best roll surface quality with the highest profile accuracy and the lowest stock removal. The digital package with Tenova Edge technology and Tenova adVisor will provide remote constant condition monitoring for each machine and all sorts of operational and maintenance support.

Source and Photo: Tenova

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